Tuesday, 19 March 2013

8 Funny Things That Only Happen In Nigerian Films


If you are really fond of watching Nollywood films, you might have already observed some weird and funny things that happen in them almost all the time.
Here are 8 of the most common funny things that happen in Nigerian films:
1. A woman wears the same hairstyle after 2 years.
2. Before crossing the road, a ghost looks left and right first.
3. A wife barges into her husband with another woman in a hotel room. But who gave her the key?
4. Female students wear sky high heels and short, revealing dresses to school, but their professors do not say anything about it.
5. A woman travels from her village to Lagos, argues with her son about not having a male child, and goes back to the village on the same day! Well, there must be an airport in her village.
6. A policeman uses a 6-round revolver to shoot armed robbers 20 times or more. How come?
7. You would see a camera man either through the car’s side body or when you look closely into Jim Iyke’s enormous glasses!
8. A husband sends his wife packing, goes into their room, and immediately comes out with 3 ready-packed bags as if the wife has already prepared for her eviction!
These things only happen in Nigerian films. Go and see for yourself!
Have you observed other funny scenes that usually happen in Nollywood movies aside from the ones listed above?
Share them with us!

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